Higher Education Study Programs Orientation on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: The development of science and technology in recent years, due to the requirements of different areas for the implementation of these technologies, has oriented higher education institutions at the international level, to adapt and focus on the educations of professionals and development of advanced technological skills and competencies [1]. These needs are particularly evident in the field of applied sciences and medicine, where great achievements have been recorded in recent years [2]. Meanwhile, in our country, although in many areas of life there are advances in the implementation of smart technologies and artificial intelligence [7], there is still a low level of professional training, advanced university education on the big data analysing, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). AI can provide a great support to learners through academic sustainability or discontinuation predictions [3]. Many examples show how it evolves and exerts its potential over time. By utilizing AI in education, we can increase its potential use of applications, its visualization, prognosis and prediction [6]. In our study we made a wide analysis of the AI contribution in different areas of applications and explore the present situation of how the higher education institutions (HEIs) in Albania are prepared and focused to provide various programs or courses in AI knowledge provision, learner evaluation, and learner counselling methods. Our findings highlight the expertise required for future study programs updating by HEIs in Albania in AI application in different fields. Regarding practical implications, this study addresses the topic of AI innovations affecting all life domains, relevance to applied sciences and medicine. Based on our research, we highlight the implications in the review of the content of the study programs, starting from the review of existing literature and also the updating the content with AI applications the study programs [12].

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Linac Photon Beam Calibration Using Virtual Simulator Program

Abstract: In radiotherapy, medical physicists give a major contribution to the safe and effective radiation treatment for patients with cancer. Megavoltage linac photon outputs are determined using the IAEA TRS-398 code of practice or AAPM TG-51 and the results are compared. Beam calibration means: determination of absorbed dose to water per 100 monitor units in a water phantom at reference conditions. The measured dose Dw,Q in water at reference point is a primary parameter for planning the treatment monitor units (MU). Traceability of dose accuracy therefore still depends mainly on the calibration factor of the ion chamber/dosimeter provided by the accredited laboratories. Our data therefore imply that the dosimetry level maintained for clinical use of linear accelerator photon beams are within recommended levels of accuracy, and uncertainties are within reported values. However, in Albania the frequently problem is related to resources with respect to both, qualified teachers and equipment, that are at disposal for teaching and training. The concepts of e-learning methods using different non commercial software, contribute to overcome this problem. In our case, we use an academic education method to practise radiation oncologists and medical physicists for LINAC beam calibration using a virtual simulator program and Matlab. Our group, after some experiences in calculation methods using Matlab, is focused on a PC based program which simulates the required equipment, the measurement setup , and the measurement itself. All procedures are modelled according to the IAEA Code of Practice, TRS 398


Abstract: A very important step in radiotherapy during the treatment process is the procedure of image processing (Matlab) and the radiation doses calculations. Many commercial software and techniques are developed for these procedures. The methodology of using numerical methods in medical imaging and radiotherapy for training and simulations is very important for students and researches in laboratories before clinical practice. Using Matlab, we can analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools, is built in math functions enable us to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ or Java. Matlab is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. From 2010 our team is working to adapt a module in Matlab environment for Medical Physics and Medical Imaging Technicians based on several modules in Matlab. First, we describe the computational environment for radiotherapy research, developed to facilitate reproducible research in radiation oncology treatment planning in Matlab environment, as a basic framework to make interinstitutional treatment planning research more feasible. At the end we describe the first Albanian module for training and simulation in radiotherapy called PPIR1 . One of the most important applications of this module is medical images processing, visualization and structure contouring for radiotherapy treatment. The simulation procedure of linear accelerator and the configuration of beams for tumor treatments is another application of this module. The dose calculation on this module is based on Eudmodel for dose volume histograms (DVH), which in radiotherapy treatment plan evaluation relies on an implicit estimation of the tumor normal tissue complication probability and control probability

How chest CT radiation dose of patients with confirmed COVID-19 will impact the cancer risk in the future

Abstract: CT is a good examination method to accurately determine if a patient presents with lung problems in patients affected by Covid in advanced stage. The high number of CT examinations within a short period of time, increases the radiation dose to patients. In this study, we evaluate the dosimetric impact of CT during COVID-19 in one Covid hospital in Albania during period May - December 2020. Also, our objective is to present a prognosis whether the increase in Abstracts / Physica Medica 92S1 (2021) S143–S266 S231 the number of examinations can affect the increase in the number of cancers in the next years in Albania.

Materials and Method: Covid pandemic 19 has caused major problems in health systems worldwide. Even in Albania, the health system was found unprepared despite the efforts made by health institutions. Lack of accurate and known protocols, dictated the use of different methods in the diagnosis and treatment of patients affected by Covid. The Covid-2 hospital in Tirana, play a crucial role in Covid patient treatment. The average of CT examinations is 30 CT (Siemens CT, 128 slice dual source) equivalent with 7200 CT in 8 months. We analyzed about 800 patients, focused on patient’s medical history, computed tomography dose index to express the dose per slice, dose-length product and effective dose. Results: 80% of 7200 CT examinations, performed 2 CT scans and more than 5 Chest X-ray within a 3-week period. 40% of CT examinations are Angio CT and 60 Chest CT with an average time of examination 6-8 s. For 800 patients (450 male and 350 females with an average of 62 y old) we found that the average CTDIvol is 7.2 mGy, DLP = (CTDIvol) *(length of scan, cm) 242 mGy·cm and effective dose 4.6 mSv. The results showed an increment of dose and we compared it to identify the cancer incidence lifetime attributable risks (LARs) with the RadRAT model, online version. The lifetime risk posed by a single CT is calculated 0.05%, chance to develop cancer. We had lack of evidences of previews CT examinations which limits us to build an accurate prognosis.

Conclusions: CT examinations have limits in determining the diagnosis of Covid 19. Even that the lifetime limit of diagnostic radiation exposure results in some cases beyond 100 mSv, there is a low cancer risk estimation considering as an important factor the age of patients over 60 years


Development of simulation and forecasting models and integration with the TCIA database of medical images